Monday 17 October 2011

Thokamoor - A Story of a Village Reviving its Faith

The Streets of Thokkamoor

Thokkamoor colony is a village situated 2-3 km from Arambakkam, Thiruvallur District. It is a sub-station of Our Lady of Angels Church, Arambakkam. It is a small church. It has around 25 Catholic families sharing their lives with others Christians, Hindus and the devotees of Sai Baba.  The elders, young people and children had been enthusiastic about being part of the Catholic Church. However, their interest and participation has been on the decline for the past some years. They have been ‘like the cat on the wall’, swinging between Catholicism and Pentecostal Groups, Catholicism and Hinduism, Catholicism and SAI BABA Worship. A good number of them have left us. Their lack of enthusiasm distanced themselves from the parish and its activities. The parish priests and the nuns slowly began to neglect the group.

The Chapel
In the beginning of this year (June, 2011), I was assigned to do my weekend ministry in Our Lady of Angels Church, Arambakkam. The parish priest requested me on a trial basis to work in that village. I was supposed to stay there from Saturday evening to Sunday evening. The stay was overnight. He also informed me about the situation in the village – no toilets, food in the houses, stay in the chapel etc. Though I was reluctant in the beginning, yet I took it as a challenge, a new experience, the will of God. I began to get involved in my ministry. My aim for the year was ‘To bring back the Good News to their families and individuals thus making them active and convinced members of the Catholic Church’.

The Street where We pray Rosary
We began with a small ‘Saturday-Rosary-Service-Group’, a sort of Marian sodality for the women at home, on Saturday evenings.  We have our rosary service in the streets. It would go for an hour 7.00 – 8.00pm. I used it as a tool for catechising, house blessing, visiting families, blessing the sick, and most especially preparing them for the Sunday Liturgy. They began learn the basic prayers, the creed etc. As days went by today around 25-30 both young, old, married and unmarried women participate in it. In this month, we have divided them into two ‘Basic Christian Communities’. Praised be to our Lady! The Saturday-Evening-Rosary-Service however, continues. Now, even in my absence they come together to pray. They are proud of it. Some even experience small miracles.

A handful of our children

The Next day, i.e. Sunday Morning, children are gathered for simple catechism class, instruction and games. Later around noon, the young people a dozen of them gather for bible reading and spontaneous prayer. The latter group is picking up and they are enthusiastic about it.  The work is going on. There is steady increase in the participation of the Sunday Eucharist, and divine consciousness. There is however a lot to be done. It is sad to note the interest of the parish priest in all these activities is no more than mere appreciation.

The Young People - Pilgrimmage
A Catholic Lady in Her Home
 Still not every family in the village has bible, nor a framed picture of our Lord or Mother Mary at home… not every catholic has a rosary. They deserve it. The children, young people and the elderly have a right to grow as good Catholics. Besides, the poverty of the place and their fight for decent human life, is yet another sad story! 

The effort is not merely to strengthen their christian in the narrow sense of the activity, but more to give them hope that they can lead a decent human life, that God favours the good, hardworking, sincere, courageous, right, poor and just.

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